
From A Place Of Love.

Not me, but maybe oneday?

I read a blogpost recently that really resonated with me.  You can read it here.  As is typical of this time of year the post was about The Dreaded New Year Resolution.  However, there was a twist.  In the very first paragraph the author describes how in the past, New Year Resolutions have always come from a place of self loathing.  The instant I read that my eyes were opened.

For so many years I have made resolutions because I disliked something about myself.  The overly simplified "Lose Weight", "Exercise", "Don't Eat Anything Before 5pm" (seriously what was I thinking?!).

Thankfully, this year I seem to have woken up to myself.  This year, the goal is to get out of my comfort zone.  To change things that don't make me happy, and to do things I want to do, but that I'm scared people will judge me for.  Like starting a blog, or wearing a bikini.  I wore one yesterday, no baggy shirt, no shorts.  Just me, a bikini and a beach full of people who couldn't have cared less. 

There is a lesson in that for sure.

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